Tag Archives: video

Kendall Jenner Touches Kylie’s Boobs Because of Course

So racy, Kendall Jenner! The most quiet sister of them all brushed Kylie’s boobs in a new Snapchat video and we can’t say we’re surprised at her behavior. Kendall and Kylie love showing off their goofy antics, even if it gets a little weird at times.


Unfortunately this is never shown on #KUWTK, much to our disappointment. Maybe Kris Jenner should let the cameras totally run free for a ratings boost? I’d DEFINITELY tune in!

Is Kim Kardashian Joining Snapchat?

According to DJ Khaled, yes she is! Kim and the famous DJ shared the screen in an Instagram snap, seen below.

She’s already conquered reality TV and the App Store, so we wouldn’t be surprised if she popped up on another hot social media platform. Plus, we might finally get to see n actual photo of Saint West instead of just his face!

Fingers crossed we get to scan a snapcode from Kim soon!